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Overseas treatment cases down by 80% in Kuwait


20-Sep-17 The number of Kuwaitis seeking medical treatment abroad was down by 80% in first quarter of 2017. The change is attributed to new strict measures to inspect each medical case and determine whether treatment abroad is necessary. [image: Arab Times]

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Siemens says digitalization of healthcare key in the Philippines


20-Sep-17 Siemens has determined that 46% of hospitals have yet to put a digital strategy in place. APAC President Elisabeth Staudinger refers to "disruption of the industry by... technologies that will assure clinical excellence, operational efficiency and financial profitability.” [image: Malaya Business Insight]

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Korean telecom KT proposes preventing epidemics using big data


20-Sep-17 KT Chairman Hwang Chang-kyu urges the use of big data to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, saying "telecommunication companies' assets such as connectivity and big-data have great force that can solve common problems such as infectious diseases." [image: Business Korea]

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