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World Bank approves loan to improve Chinese healthcare services


11-May-17 The World Bank approved a USD600 mn loan to China to help improve healthcare in Anhui and Fujian. "China... now faces new challenges: an aging population and an increasing burden of chronic diseases," said Ramesh Govindaraj, Lead Health Specialist. [image: National Health and Family Planning Commission of the PRC]

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Lyca Group forays into Indian healthcare segment


11-May-17 London-based Lyca Group forayed into the Indian healthcare segment with the launch of flagship daycare facility Westminster Healthcare, in Chennai, India. "In the next five years, we have committed investments about 100 million pounds," said LycaHealth CEO Manpreet Gulati. [image: ET Healthworld]

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Chinese spending on healthcare to rise 5.1% in 2017


11-May-17 China's government will spend RMB1.4 tn (USD203 bn) on medical and health care in 2017, to support the country’s medical reforms. The spending will constitute 7.2% of total government spending, up from 5% in 2008 when reforms began. [image: China Medical News]

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