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Abbott India launches flash glucose monitoring system


02-Apr-15 Matthew Bates, Senior Director at Abbott Diabetes Care, said India is the first country where the professional version of its flash glucose monitoring assessment tool is being launched. The round sensor, slightly larger than a Rs10 coin, is water-resistant and disposable, and is attached to the upper arm of a patient by a self-adhesive pad. [image: Deccan Herald]

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New 'golden age' expected as China finalises regulations for drugs sold online


02-Apr-15 China has completed the constitution of its much-anticipated new regulations for online drug retailing. Once the provisions on deregulation of prescription drugs and loosening of distribution conditions are implemented, a 'golden age' for medical e-commerce companies is expected to begin. The medical e-commerce sector has been valued at RMB7 bn (USD1.1 bn) in 2014. [image: Xinhua Finance]

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One in ten Victoria (Australia) hospital beds not being used


01-Apr-15 One in ten available hospital beds in Victoria is not being used and 18% of operating theatres are closed, an interim report into the state's public health system has revealed. The report's recommendations include a statewide service and infrastructure plan to guide the allocation of future resources. [image: ABC / Everystockphoto]

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China to double doctor numbers to cure healthcare woes


31-Mar-15 China will almost double the number of its general doctors by 2020, trim its public sector and improve technology, as it seeks to reform a healthcare system plagued by overloading and poor rural services, its main administrative authority has said. [image: Fox News]

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