
In-country research consultants

We believe the only way to understand a market properly is on the ground. That's why, unlike many other research and consulting companies, we don't operate a central global research centre. Instead, we work with our consultants located in the target markets. 

Our tried-and-tested in-country research and analysis approach means the insights, analysis and recommendations we provide are based on hard data from local information sources and direct contact with customers and prospects, industry players throughout the value chain, observers and regulators.

Person Consultant 1

We have industry-specialist research consultants in more than 40 markets. They know their country’s industry players, opinion leaders, the regulatory environment, the local culture and of course the language. Our country consultants are a flexible resource that gives you access to local expertise, contacts and information, when and where you need it.

The engagement

We engage with clients in several ways:

Custom research and consulting assignments
  • Confidential work for a single client
  • Usually in response to a client's strategic imperative
  • Examples include new market entry, business expansion, competitive threat, M&A, channel development and rejuvinating marketing strategy
Multi-client market intelligence subscriptions
  • Where several clients with similar requirements join a research program designed and scheduled by us
  • Often with custom confidential add-ons
Continuous industry newsletter services
  • Typically on an annual renewable contract basis
  • For a single client
  • Or for several clients with similar interests

You will be assigned a service manager and a service leader, who provide client liaison and project management, coordinate the research, and lead data validation, analysis and modelling, report creation and strategic recommendations.

Whichever type of service you commission, our work always starts with a meeting or call to confirm objectives, scope and definitions with key client stakeholders, and to ensure we understand your business sufficiently. We also review any existing assumptions, knowledge and data so we don't end up telling you what you already know, but focus on information gaps, new insights and original thinking.

What you receive

Output from a typical custom assignment comprises:

  • A clear service plan and schedule
  • Regular interim updates during the research and analysis phase of an assignment
  • A findings and recommendations presentation or workshop – during which we listen to your feedback and note any questions and requests
  • Our report – combining data, hard facts and visualisations with concise analysis, and including a strategic conclusions and recommendations section for easy access by decision-makers 
  • A supporting database and copies of research material if required

Deliverables always include information sources and explanatory notes, and we continue to support you by answering queries and providing follow-up information and advice after the main delivery. 


Please contact us for a no-obligation discussion and proposal, using the online form. Or send an email to info@ggmkts.com.