
21-Jan-18, Global Growth Markets

As the industry considers the possibilities - and challenges - of the year ahead, here's a look back at 12 of our most popular Medical Technology growth markets stories, month-by-month:

Why Chinese healthcare apps are struggling (c) APJanuary Why Chinese healthcare apps are struggling - As of yet, there have been no big business successes in Chinese mobile health. As investor sentiment cools, many startups are cash poor heading into a painful shake out.


Samsung to focus more on wearable healthcare devices than on robots (c) Business KoreaFebruary Samsung to focus more on wearable healthcare devices than on robots - Samsung Electronics will develop 'wearable healthcare devices' as its new business for the future instead of the robots that LG and other rivals are paying attention to. 

Singapores EDBI and Philips to boost their health care investments in Asia (c) Singapore Business ReviewMarch Singapore's EDBI and Philips to boost their healthcare investments in Asia - Singapore-based EDBI and Philips aim to accelerate their joint investment alliance and partner with more innovative companies in the digital health sector.   


Indias import of medical devices increased by 17pc export by 26pc during 2012 16 (c) Emergo GroupApril India's import of medical devices increased by 17 percent during 2012-16 - Imports of medical devices now amount to USD2.5 bn per year and exports to USD1 bn per year, making India the 4th largest medical device market in Asia.  


Doctor2U collaborates with Microsoft to provide efficient healthcare in Malaysia (c) Glenn Guan The StarMay Doctor2U collaborates with Microsoft to provide efficient healthcare in Malaysia - M-health company Doctor2U announced a partnership with Microsoft Malaysia to deliver new health services, bringing a doctor to your doorstep within 60 minutes.


UK digital health sector sets up wins in Brazil (c) GOV UKJune UK digital health sector sets up wins in Brazil - Healthcare UK and NHS Digital led an 8 company mission to showcase the UK’s innovative digital health sector in São Paulo at the Hospitalar exhibition. 


First AI deployment at scale to improve diagnosis in 20 developing countries   wide (c) Zebra Medical Vision copyJuly First AI deployment at scale to improve diagnosis in 20 developing countries - Israel's Zebra Medical Vision and India's Teleradiology Solutions signed a partnership to bring Zebra-Med’s cloud based deep learning analytics engine to over 150 hospitals in India, Asia and Africa.

Click2Clinic plans expansion in India Vietnam Thailand (c) The Financial ExpressAugust Click2Clinic plans expansion in India, Vietnam and Thailand - Click2Clinic Healthcare India, a tech-based home health services company, is planning to expand to Vietnam and Thailand as it rolls out its services in India and Malaysia.

Japanese scientists develop nano sensor for the next big advance in wearable health tech   wide (c) Takao Someya Group University Of TokyoSeptember Japanese scientists develop nano sensor for the next big advance in wearable health tech - Scientists in Japan have developed a super thin electronic sensor that can attach directly to skin, and is stretchable and light, with a wide range of heath-tech applications.


China to allow some medical devices based on foreign approvals (c) Think AdvisorOctober China to allow some medical devices based on foreign approvals - China will allow the use of some drugs and medical devices based on approval by foreign regulators, in a move to increase access to its healthcare market, improve access to treatments, and streamline the approval process.


Samsung Electronics of Korea ventures into healthcare (c) Samsung ElectronicsNovember Samsung Electronics of Korea ventures into healthcare - Moving beyond providing electronic parts and devices, Samsung Electronics is looking at the digital health care market, with expectations of new growth as well as challenges in a world with tech-savvy and ageing populations.

By 2020 India may have 200 robots doing 25000 surgeries (c) ET HealthworldDecember By 2020 India may have 200 robots doing 25,000 surgeries - By the end of 2017 India's Vattikuti Foundation will have 70 robots, and 200 by 2020 doing about 25,000 surgeries. "We have 360 surgeons today doing robotic surgery and they just love it," said Raj Vattikuti.


Enjoyed this article? You may also like our round-up of Healthcare and Medical Tourism growth markets stories from 2017: 12 Healthcare growth markets stories from 2017, month-by-month


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