
Webinar: China's private hospital sector opportunities



Watch the recording of our webinar on the Pharmaceutical & HealthCare Marketing BrightTALK channel: Global Growth Markets CEO Pete Read outlines the current situation in China's private hospital sector, government reforms and opportunities for investment.

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Accuhealth improving lives in Chile


29-Dec-15 The Chilean company AccuHealth, a pioneer in virtual clinical hospitals, has joined the Business Call to Action (BCtA) with a patient-centric telemonitoring service designed to improve the health and livelihoods of chronically ill patients at an affordable cost. By 2020, AccuHealth aims to serve 200,000 chronically ill patients living at the base of the economic pyramid in Chile. [image: Business Call To Action]

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Russia to permit online sales of medicines from 2017


28-Dec-15 Russia plans to allow drugstore chains to sell medicines via the Internet as of 1-Jan-17. "This type of selling the drugs will be accessible to all customers with access to the Internet and cover all the groups of medicines, except narcotics and psychotropic substances," the government press service said. [image: Retail & Loyalty]

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New disaster communications system for Japan's hospitals


15-Dec-15 Japan's government will begin developing a new communications service to facilitate the transportation of patients to core hospitals in times of disaster. The move comes after it was found that many core disaster medical centers were not equipped with satellite data communications systems, potentially causing problems if they had to accept patients after a major disaster. [image: The Yomiuri Shimbun]

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Chinese consumers spend USD10 bn on health on Alibaba


14-Dec-15 Chinese consumers spent RMB65 bn (USD10 bn) buying medicines, healthcare products and services on Alibaba’s Chinese retail sites in 2014, up 63% from a year earlier. In addition, sales of nursing care services grew 205% on Singles’ Day, while sales of health insurance increased 432% on Alibaba’s sites, including the huge Taobao and Tmall marketplaces. [image: International Supermarket News]

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