02-Apr-15 China has completed the constitution of its much-anticipated new regulations for online drug retailing. Once the provisions on deregulation of prescription drugs and loosening of distribution conditions are implemented, a 'golden age' for medical e-commerce companies is expected to begin. The medical e-commerce sector has been valued at RMB7 bn (USD1.1 bn) in 2014. [image: Xinhua Finance]
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30-Mar-15 It may be in China that the digital innovations which will eventually transform healthcare everywhere will first take hold. The country’s Internet companies see a huge opportunity. Alibaba Health has launched an app that lets users find nearby pharmacies. Tencent has a doctor appointment system using WeChat and WePay. Beijing’s government is using Baidu’s 'health cloud' service. [image: Bloomberg View]
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27-Mar-15 Telemedicine that provides healthcare at a distance and is restricted to video conferencing between patients and doctors could soon be a thing of the past. An Indian team is close to developing a hand-held device that can diagnose 15 different medical conditions and monitor vital signs for around 72 hours. [image: American Megatrends Inc.]
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18-Mar-15 Australian researchers have come up with a non-invasive ultrasound technology that clears the brain of neurotoxic amyloid plaques - structures that are responsible for memory loss and a decline in cognitive function in Alzheimer’s patients. [image: 3Dme Creative Studio / Shutterstock]
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10-Mar-15 Online medical education is an opportunity to address the shortage of skilled health workers in many emerging markets. Even surgery can now be taught remotely, an approach being used in Thailand. In Vietnam, an NGO-run video platform connects HIV specialists with community health workers. Doctors in the Philippines have founded an online community called HealthXPh for discussions about healthcare. [image: HAIVN]
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