
Pharmacy Guild announces new telehealth module in Australia


13-May-16 Pharmacy customers in Australia can now access a GP from their local community pharmacy. ReadyCare is a telemedicine service where customers can talk to a doctor by phone or video 24/7. It is about community pharmacies facilitating access to a quality telemedicine service at times and in areas where a patient’s access to local GP services are limited. [image: AJP Online]

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5 ways IoT will revamp Indian healthcare industry


11-May-16 18% of global deaths and 20% of loss of disability-adjusted life years occur in India. Amidst these challenges, adoption of technology offers some hope. Telemedicine was a stepping stone and now adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) will help provide universal access to healthcare in rural and semi-urban India, medical facilities for the poor and development of preventive self-care. [image: BW CIOWorld]

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Healthcare startups go to China, India & Singapore to flourish


08-May-16 Venture funding in healthcare globally reached a record USD4.5 bn in 302 deals in 2015, a four fold increase since 2011. A new generation of healthcare startups, focussing on the consumer market, has been gaining rapid ground. China, India and Singapore have become hotbeds for healthtech start-ups, most about doctor and clinic discovery. [image: Deal Street Asia]

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Fitbit and Alibaba sign MoU to expand reach in China


28-Apr-16 Fitbit, the leader in connected health and fitness, and Tmall.com, China's largest third-party web platform, owned by Alibaba, have signed an MoU to expand Fitbit’s reach in China. The partnership will introduce the Fitbit platform to hundreds of millions across the country. "Since 2014, we’ve seen steady growth in the market," said Woody Scal, Chief Business Officer at Fitbit. [image: Fitbit]

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Electronic monitoring to slash waiting times at Hong Kong clinics


05-May-16 An electronic system could save patients millions of hours in queues at public sector clinics in Hong Kong. In 2014/15, each patient had to wait two hours on average. The system tracks the patient from arrival to the time they enter the consultation room, and queue status is updated on a screen informing patients how long they have to wait. [image: South China Morning Post]

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