
new Indian mHealth device to tackle global health


29-Mar-16 The Swasthya Slate device is a mobile platform that comprises of a hardware device that connects to a digital thermometer, a blood pressure monitor, heart rate sensor, a 3-lead ECG system, and a blood sugar monitor. The goal is to record and store data in the cloud very easily and quickly, says Kanov Kahol, who is credited with conceiving the device. [image: Swasthya]

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NHG looks to gaming to boost healthcare in Singapore


28-Mar-16 The National Healthcare Group has officially launched the inaugural Health Innovation Technology Challenge in Singapore, in search of apps that can be used to help patients and staff better understand illnesses and treatment. [image: Channel News Asia]

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As Nokia rebounds from mobile phones, it sets its sights on digital health


21-Mar-16 Last week, Nokia Technology President Ramzi Haidamus told Fortune he had an eye on digital health. The company has experimented with bundling their phones with connected health products, including Fitbit devices and a Polar heart rate strap, and has invested in mobile health via the Vision+ fund and its own venture arm. [image: Mobi Health News]

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Practo launches operations in Brazil


17-Mar-16 India’s largest doctor discovery platform Practo has launched services in Brazil, its sixth location. This makes it one of the few homegrown Indian consumer Internet startups to capitalize on high-growth global markets. Practo is already present in Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. [image: Practo]

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