
Accuhealth improving lives in Chile

 29-Dec-15, Business Call To Action

The Chilean company AccuHealth, a pioneer in virtual clinical hospitals, has joined the Business Call to Action (BCtA) with a patient-centric tele-monitoring service designed to improve the health and livelihoods of chronically ill patients with value-added medical care at an affordable cost. BCtA is a global initiative that encourages companies to fight poverty through inclusive business models.

Accuhealth improving lives in Chile (c) Business Call To Action

Image: Business Call To Action

AccuHealth’s inclusive business model aims to provide patients diagnosed with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and their families with a better quality of life by combining an evidence-based telehealth monitoring service with big data, predictive modelling and data-mining.

It allows hospitals and clinics to improve bed rotation, optimize patient control and increase the geographical coverage of specialists. At the same time, it allows insurance companies to better manage their clients’ health needs.

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