
Latin America shifts from newborns to elderly care


Latin America’s lack of fiscal discipline is likely to prevent public health from addressing adequately the additional costs of an aging population. That paves the way for massive private sector growth in fields such as telemedicine, healthcare IT, medical devices and medical technologies, that help personalise medicine or improve the efficiency of doctors and other healthcare professionals. [Image: Global Health Intelligence]

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Rising demand for Taiwan-made medical equipment and technology


28-Nov-14 Taiwan’s medical equipment industry output increased by over 5% in 2014 to USD2.8 billion, driven especially by demand for new and ‘smart’ applications. Demand for Taiwanese medical equipment will continue to increase in 2015, most notably in India. [image: Want China Times]

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Now is the right time for healthcare technology in the Arabian Gulf


Nov-14 Health services in the Arabian Gulf region are at a crossroads. Despite heavy investment in new hospitals, the rise in non-communicable diseases cannot be halted unless there is a whole systems approach. The region will either follow a route of reactive medicine and spiralling costs, or a preventative one, adopting technology to change the way care is delivered in the community. [image: Arab Health Magazine]

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This affordable telemedicine diagnostic machine could disrupt healthcare in India


18-Nov-14 In March 2014, the Indian government started a pilot of 4,250 Swasthya Slates in six districts of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The health kits allow doctors to diagnose and advise patients remotely, through telemedicine via technologies such as Skype and FaceTime, helping to prevent lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular illness. [image: VentureBeat]

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World's top drug-maker Novartis takes aim at tech


17-Nov-14 Novartis researchers are seeking fresh technologies to monitor how the company’s medicines are working and being taken by patients. Chief Executive Joe Jimenez predicts this will be an integral part of running a big pharmaceutical company in the coming decade, thanks to rising demand coupled with limited budgets.

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