15-Nov-17 Fortis Healthcare board has approved the proposed acquisition of Singapore based RHT Health Trust for INR4,650 crore (USD720 mn), as part of an effort to consolidate the Indian asset portfolio of clinical establishments and two hospitals into Fortis. [image: ET Healthworld]
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13-Nov-17 India's pharma pricing authority has written to stent makers for their views on pricing, indicating a rethink, nine months after its order capping cardiovascular stent prices prompted companies to withdraw products. [image: NYT]
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13-Nov-17 India is one of the fastest growing dental markets, alongside China, with 80,000 practicing dentists, a market worth USD2 billion and annual growth of 20%. In the last five years, there is a positive trend towards Computer-Aided Design. [image: ET Healthworld]
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10-Nov-17 Star Health and Allied Insurance is rumoured to be looking to exit India’s first and largest standalone health insurance firm, seeking to cash out in the wake of a slew of initial public offerings in the insurance sector. [image: Mint]
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09-Nov-17 MedTech startup UE LifeSciences is partnering with GE Healthcare to distribute its handheld medical device iBreaseExam, designed and developed specifically for large scale use in the developing world, for example in South Asia, South East Asia and Africa. [image: Deccan Herald]
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