
India's NPPA signals rethink on price caps for stents

 13-Nov-17, Live Mint 

Nine months after its order capping cardiovascular stent prices prompted companies to withdraw products and sparked interventions by the US government, India’s drug price regulator has written to stent makers for their views on pricing, indicating a rethink on the issue.

Indias NPPA signals rethink on price caps for stents (c) NYT

Image: NYT

In Feb-17, the National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority (NPPA) cut average stent prices by as much as 80% and set price caps for all drug-eluting stents and bio-resorbable vascular scaffolds. 

In a memorandum dated 9-Nov-17, NPPA asked domestic and foreign stent makers to submit their suggestions and representations on stent pricing by year end. The authority said it has already received some representations regarding pricing and other related issues.

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