15-Feb-16 China plans to consolidate its huge and fragmented drug market and will support a greater role for traditional Chinese medicines (TCM). China is a major lure for drug firms targeting growth driven by rising incomes and a fast-ageing population. Beijing is keen, however, for local firms to take a larger slice of the market. [image: Reuters / Aly Song]
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12-Feb-16 Foreigners will be allowed to own a majority of up to 67% of businesses in Indonesia's healthcare sector, as part of sweeping reforms to liberalise its economy. Sectors ranging from fishery to retail - 49 in all - will be affected, with non-citizens able to take up 100% holdings in pharmaceutical raw material manufacturing firms. [image: AFP]
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30-Jan-16 How big is the potential market for diabetes drugs in China? As big as the entire populations of Australia, Canada and Argentina combined. And it's growing. Only about half of China’s diabetics have been diagnosed, and only 15% of those diagnosed are receiving comprehensive treatment, said Jakob Riis, head of China at Novo Nordisk, the world’s largest insulin maker. [image: AFP / Getty Images]
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18-Jan-16 As the healthcare industry considers the possibilities - and challenges - of the year ahead, here's a look back at 12 notable Healthcare growth markets stories from 2015 you may have missed, month-by-month, including "China’s physicians encouraged to take up second jobs", "Vietnam achieves healthcare Millennium Development Goals", "World's biggest healthcare facility financed in Turkey" and more.
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21-Jan-16 LG Life Sciences will start selling Korea's first diabetes treatment Zemiglo in the global market this year. The Korean drugmaker sealed licensing partnerships with Sanofi and Stendhal in 2013, and will begin selling the new treatment in India and five countries in Central America from March 2016. [image: LG / Business Korea]
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