26-Aug-15 China is aiming to control “wildly” growing stem cell therapy, issuing its first regulation covering the largely controversial medical procedure. “Only eligible hospitals can work with stem cells in clinical trials for research and there must not be fees or advertising,” said the National Health and Family Planning Commission. [image: Liu Haifeng / Xinhua Press / Corbis]
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19-Aug-15 A new guideline allows foreign drugs to undergo clinical trials in their home country and in China at the same pace, speeding up approval procedures for new drugs that are badly needed in China. Clinical trials of new foreign drugs in China normally lag behind those in the home country. [image: Alamy / Daily Mail]
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23-Jul-15 Delhi has been warned by The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) on the poor state of its health infrastructure, amid concerns over the lack of facilities, essential drugs, equipment, the recent manpower shortage in hospitals. [image: Live Mint]
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21-Jul-15 Vaccination no longer has to be a painful process, as researchers from Japan's Osaka University have developed a new technique that can deliver vaccines without needles. Through this technology, vaccines are delivered simply by laying a tiny patch onto a person's finger, before it dissolves into their skin. [image: BioSpectrum]
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17-Jul-15 India has extended price controls to 39 more drugs used to treat diseases such as diabetes, infections, digestive disorders and pain among others, in an effort to make them affordable. Prices are being reduced by 5-40% and they join 652 medicines already under price control. [image: The Hindu]
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