27-May-15 China's drug regulator (CFDA) has raised steeply the fees required to register drugs and medical devices in the world's second-biggest pharmaceutical market, as a lack of resources and expertise hinders its ability to process the rising number of applications. The fee for registering a new locally-made drug will soar to RMB624,000 (USD101,000) compared with just RMB35,000 in 2013. [image: Pharma Logic Solutions].
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18-May-15 State-backed pharmaceutical group Shanghai Pharmaceutical Holding has teamed up with e-commerce company JD.com to further tap China's booming online drug sales market. Shanghai Pharma will operate JD's online prescription drug sales platform under an exclusive agreement, and share drug-sales related data and resources. [image: Reuters]
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16-May-15 The Thai government is looking at reining in skyrocketing healthcare costs at private hospitals by controlling the price of medicines and hospital services. Private hospitals will also be required to post the price of drugs and services on their websites and other channels so patients are informed in advance before commencing treatment. [image: The Nation]
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15-May-15 Australia is seeking closer business ties with China in areas such as medical devices, aged care, health information technology, clinical trials, hospital management, pharmaceuticals and health foods. But Australian companies will need to prepare themselves for strong competition as the Chinese government pushes hospitals to use more domestically made medical devices. [image: The Conversation_Lukas Coch / AAP]
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13-May-15 China's State Council has published a plan to overhaul thousands of public county hospitals nationwide. A key reform is barring a 15% drug mark-up, which some say causes over-prescription of expensive imported drugs. An economist at the University of International Business & Economics in Beijing said hospitals will now have to raise prices on other services or lower quality levels. [image: Caixin Online]
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