
China to open up to more US medical imports


18-Dec-14 In trade talks with the US, China has agreed to allow US medicines and medical devices into its markets more quickly. China agreed to “cut red tape” for imports of new and innovative pharmaceuticals and medical devices, said US Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker. [image: CCTV America]

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Obesity responsible for increasing chronic disease deaths in Latin America


12-Dec-14 Non-communicable diseases were the cause of 78% of deaths in Latin America in 2008, estimated to rise to 84% by 2030. Obesity is at the heart of these deadly diseases, as a trigger for diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Mexico has the highest obesity growth rate in the world and the highest proportion of child obesity. [image: Global Health Intelligence]

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China healthcare draws investors


10-Dec-14 Mergers and acquisitions in China’s healthcare sector rose to a record USD11.3 billion in the first 11 months of 2014, up 13% from a year earlier. A combination of ageing population and increasing affluence is driving the deal-making, coinciding with sweeping reforms by Chinese government. [image: Feucht Blog]

For more about China's healthcare sector, download our free 20-page whitepaper: China healthcare market opportunities

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India “too reliant” on Chinese drug imports


05-Dec-14 India produces a third of the world's medicines, mostly in the form of generic drugs. But more than 80% of the raw materials for these drugs are imported from China. That gives its neighbour a virtual monopoly over pricing and supply - so much so that there are now no domestic Indian producers of many essential medicines, a situation that worries the Indian government. [image: The Insider]

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GE Healthcare to open technology and training lab in Turkey


04-Dec-14 GE Healthcare Life Sciences is planning to open a Technology Laboratory in Turkey which will feature the company’s latest tools for drug discovery, protein science and bioprocessing research. Turkey plans to transform its domestic manufacturing of devices and pharmaceuticals, with plans for 60% of demand to be met locally. [image: GE Healthcare Life Sciences]

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