
12 Healthcare growth markets stories from 2015, month-by-month

18-Jan-16, Global Growth Markets

As the healthcare industry considers the possibilities - and challenges - of the year ahead, here's a look back at 12 notable Healthcare growth markets stories from 2015 you may have missed, month-by-month:

Chinas physicians encouraged to take up second jobs (c) Your HealthJanuary China’s physicians encouraged to take up second jobs - To relieve pressure on China’s over-burdened healthcare sector, the government is reforming the doctor registration system to encourage physicians to practice at more than one institution. [image: YourHealth]

Vietnam achieves healthcare Millennium Development Goals (c) VietnamPlusFebruary Vietnam achieves healthcare Millennium Development Goals - Vietnam has successfully achieved Millennium Development Goals to decrease the maternal and child mortality rate, with the rate of pregnant women receiving prenatal care increasing to 96.4%. [image: VietnamPlus] 

Healthcare workers in Russia threaten to hunger strike (c) Sergei Porter Vedomosti The Moscow TimesMarch Healthcare workers in Russia threaten to hunger-strike - Healthcare workers in Russia have threatened to stage a hunger strike to protest about "repercussions" against co-workers who demanded better working conditions. [image: Sergei Porter / Vedomosti / The Moscow Times]  

Malaysia honoured as best medical travel destination (c) Air AsiaApril Malaysia honoured as best medical travel destination - Malaysia has been honoured as the Medical Travel Destination of the Year at the International Medical Travel Journal Awards in London. [image: Air Asia] 

Thailand will curb medicine prices to rein in healthcare costs (c) The NationMay Thailand will curb medicine prices to rein in healthcare costs - The Thai government is looking at reining in skyrocketing healthcare costs at private hospitals by controlling the price of medicines and hospital services. [image: The Nation]

China to allow patients to claim insurance for private hospital visits (c) ReutersJune China to allow patients to claim insurance for private hospital visits - China will allow patients to claim medical insurance for visits to private hospitals, marking the latest move by Beijing to ease pressure on the public healthcare system. [image: Reuters]

Worlds biggest healthcare facility financed in Turkey (c) Hurriyet Daily NewsJuly World's biggest healthcare facility financed in Turkey - The IFC has agreed to lend USD172 mn to fund the world's biggest healthcare facility in Turkey, with eight hospitals and almost 2,500 beds. [image: Hurriyet Daily News]

New stats reveal 50pc of Australians battling chronic disease (c) Networking Health VictoriaAugust New stats reveal 50% of Australians battling chronic disease - The need for Primary Health Care reform has been highlighted by new statistics that show half of all Australians have at least one chronic disease. [image: Networking Health Victoria]

Hamstrung by red tape hospital operators buy their way into India (c) Reuters Shailesh AndradeSeptember Hamstrung by red tape, hospital operators buy their way into India - Parkway Pantai intends to use acquisitions to expand in India, where private hospital companies must obtain up to 70 clearances to launch a new facility. [image: Reuters / Shailesh Andrade]


Kicking the foreign drug habit in Myanmar (c) Ann Wang Frontier MyanmarOctober Kicking the foreign drug habit in Myanmar - The Myanmar government has offered incentives to seven private distributors to try manufacturing domestically – currently 80-90% of drugs are imported. [image: Ann Wang / Frontier Myanmar]

Thailands health tourism keeps growing (c) Travel Daily NewsNovember The new wave in Chinese medical tourism - Chinese medical tourists spent USD10 bn in 2014, only 2.3% of the global total, suggesting that there is a huge potential for further growth in the market. [image: Travel Daily News] 

Seven charts show India healthcare needs an overhaul (c) Hindustan TimesDecember Seven charts show India healthcare needs an overhaul - Despite recording gains in recent years, India continues to lag several health indicators such as mortality rates and malnutrition. A paper in The Lancet identifies seven structural problems. [image: Hindustan Times]


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