
Thailand will curb medicine prices to rein in healthcare costs

16-May-15, The Nation 

The government is looking at reining in skyrocketing healthcare costs incurred by patients at private hospitals by controlling the price of medicines and hospital services.

Thailand will curb medicine prices to rein in healthcare costs (c) The Nation

Image: The Nation

Private hospitals will also be required to post the price of drugs and services on their websites and other channels so patients are informed in advance before commencing treatment.

Over the past few years, a growing number of patients who use services of private hospitals have complained that healthcare expenses have shot up while revenues and profits of hospital companies listed on the stock market have risen sharply.

Public Health Minister Rajata Rajatanavin said a working group of Public Health and Commerce ministry officials, as well as the Medical Council and Consumer Protection Board would hold talks with private hospitals to work out median prices for medicines. 

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