
First Online Tele-Health Platform debuts in Malaysia


10-Apr-17 DoctorOnCall debuts as Malaysia’s first online telehealth platform that connects patients with an extensive network of doctors and medical practitioners via audio or video call. DoctorOnCall.com.my has also become Malaysia’s first online prescription-based pharmacy, with average delivery times of 4-6 hours for areas within Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley, and 1-2 days for the rest of Malaysia. [image: Citizen Journalists Malaysia]

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Indonesia and Malaysia cooperate to improve health tourism


30-Mar-17 The Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council has partnered with five Indonesian health tourism companies in the travel, insurance, and financial services industries with the aim of adopting a strategic approach to providing quality services to the more than 500,000 visitors arriving from Indonesia to seek medical treatment annually. [image: MIMS]

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BookDoc links with Tripadvisor in Southeast Asia


29-Mar-17 BookDoc, the mobile app company that connects patients to healthcare professionals, has partnered with the travel site Tripadvisor, allowing its users to search for top-rated restaurants and attractions near their healthcare appointments in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Thailand when using either the BookDoc mobile app or the website. [image: IMTJ].

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Malaysia announces 2017 plans to ratify the ASEAN Medical Device Directive


17-Mar-17 The Malaysian Medical Device Agency has made public its plans to ratify the ASEAN Medical Device Directive, a framework intended to harmonize medical device regulations across 10 ASEAN member nations, in mid-2017. The agency has also announced its plans to undertake revisions of the country’s current medical device regulatory system in 2017. [image: Pacific Bridge Medical]

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Malaysia's medical tourism revenue hit MYR1 bn in 2016


16-Mar-17 Malaysia’s medical tourism industry grew by almost 25% in 2016, raking in an estimated MYR1.15 bn (USD260 mn) in hospital revenue, revealed the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council. CEO Sherene Azli said medical tourists were the biggest spenders among tourists in the country. “Our medical tourists mostly come from Indonesia, China, India, Australia, the United Kingdom and the Middle East,” she said. [image: Free Malaysia Today]

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