
MOL introduces One2Pay digital wallet in Malaysia



15-Jan-18 MOL has introduced the One2Pay digital wallet, the latest addition to a number of e-payment solutions in Malaysia. The system allows customers to scan a QR code to pay for goods using funds stored in their account. [image: One2Pay / Lowyat]

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The rise of QR code payments in ASEAN



15-Jan-18 ASEAN nations are widely expected to adopt QR systems as a leading method of payment. However, they still a long way from emulating China and Japan’s adoption of the codes, as they lack standardisation and acceptance by banks. [image: ASEAN Today]

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Sarawak Pay, a step towards cashless society in Malaysia



13-Jan-18 Sarawak has become the first state in Malaysia to own an e-payment system, with the launch of Sarawak Pay. The app is an e-wallet where users can add up to MYR3,000 (USD76), via online banking or credit card. [image: Muhammad Rais Sanusi / Borneo Post]

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Abu Dhabi co enters fray for Fortis



13-Dec-17 VPS Heathcare of Abu Dhabi, with 22 hospitals and 125 clinics between the Middle East and India generating over USD1 bn in revenue, is the latest to enter the fray to acquire India's Fortis Healthcare. [image: ET Healthworld]

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