
WhatsApp Pay to rollout in India soon



10-Feb-20 WhatsApp’s digital payment arm WhatsApp Pay may finally be able to roll out its services in India in a phased manner. WhatsApp counts India as its biggest market with more than 400 million users and hopes to tap these users while rolling out WhatsApp Pay.  [image: AFP]

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Google chases businesses to maintain its payments lead in India



19-Sep-19 Google is bringing Google Pay to businesses in India as it rushes to maintain its lead. “India has more than 60 million small and medium-sized businesses, however only a fraction of them support digital payments," said Ambarish Kenghe, product manager. [image: TechCrunch]

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Alipay, Barclaycard help UK retailers reach Chinese tourists



14-Mar-19 Alipay and Barclaycard - which processes half the UK's card transactions - have collaborated to allow UK retailers to accept Alipay. 483,000 Chinese tourists will spend USD1.33 bn in 2019. The UK also has about 493,000 Chinese residents and students. [image: Alizila]

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