
China's Alibaba to complete human genome sequencing in 24 hours by 2020


10-Apr-17 Alibaba Cloud's President Simon Hu announced it has developed "ET Medical Brain," a suite of AI solutions built on its cloud infrastructure. The ET Medical Brain aims to ease the workload of medical personnel by taking the role of the patient's virtual assistant, and participating in medical imaging, drug development, hospital management and wearable healthcare devices. [image: Computerworld Hong Kong]

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Dalian Wanda to invest USD10 bn in China healthcare hub


10-Apr-17 Dalian Wanda Group will invest CNY70 bn (USD10 bn) in a health park in China's southwest, as some of the country's biggest companies look to tap demand for private healthcare. Wanda said it had signed an agreement with the Chengdu city government to create a 'park' with two international general hospitals, eight small specialized hospitals and 30 healthcare-related firms. [image: ET Healthword]

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Israel's eHealth giant Natali to continue to grow presence in China


06-Apr-17 Natali, Israel's largest private healthcare provider, became a subsidiary of China's Sanpower group in 2014. Since then they have implemented their eHealth/TeleHealth technologies in the Chinese market, amassing 120,000 Israeli subscribers and over 4 mn in China. When asked about the Chinese healthcare market, Nimrod Altman, CEO of Natali Healthcare Group , noted "Barriers are collapsing". [image: PRNewsFoto / Natali Healthcare Group]

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Many American healthtech companies would have more success in emerging markets


06-Apr-17 Global healthcare spending is roughly USD7 tn, according to the US Department of Commerce and many companies would have more success pursuing product approval in emerging markets as the technologies may be more helpful for those patient populations and the regulatory burdens more manageable, suggested Matthew Hein, representative for the US DoC at the MedTech Intelligence Global Regulatory conference. [image: MedTech Intelligence]

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Deep learning company Enlitic, partners with Paiyipai across China


04-Apr-17 The American medical deep learning company Enlitic has agreed to cooperate with healthcare big data company Beijing Hao Yun Dao Information & Technology ("Paiyipai") to provide diagnostic imaging in Health Check centers across China. The partnership was agreed following a successful 10,000 chest x-ray trial of Enlitic's patient triage platform. [image: Enlitic]

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