
What 2016 might bring for Chinese medical device regulation


07-Dec-15 The Chinese medical device market is maturing rapidly, and with it, so is its regulatory presence. Top trends on the horizon for 2016: A move toward localization; research use only loophole closing; imported refurbished products will be a no-no; local bidding for local products; more inspection on the way. [image: MD+DI]

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China targets more efficient generic drugs production


04-Dec-15 In a move aimed to improve the "sustainability of the health insurance system", Chinese political advisors have suggested cutting red tape to encourage domestic development of generic drugs but also establishing tougher standards to assess their quality. [image: Patty Chen / Reuters]

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Methodist Healthcare building hospital in Shanghai


02-Dec-15 The Chinese government wants to privatize 20% of the country’s hospitals by 2020, and Memphis-based Methodist Healthcare wants to be a key component in that mission. Methodist’s strategic partnership with China-based healthcare management group Silver Mountain Capital is the company's latest move into China, in which the two organisations are developing a hospital in Shanghai. [image: Ken West]

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China to boost nonprofit TCM services


28-Nov-15 China is planning more and better non-profit hospitals specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine in a bid to develop rapidly the country's TCM industry. A comprehensive reform will focus on state-owned TCM hospitals at county and city levels while helping them to "better serve the people," according to the National Health & Family Planning Commission and the State Administration of TCM. [image: China Daily]

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