
Asia-Pacific Connected Health market intelligence service, 2016

Subscriptions to our 2016 Asia-Pacific Connected Health market intelligence research program are now available. Receive accurate market data and reliable insight, access to specific business opportunities and the option to include private custom topics, using our research program to answer specific questions about the market.


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Connected health (c)Plessey

Image: (c) Plessey

The research reports identify specific opportunities for Devices, Systems and Services, with hospital-level and market-level data and analysis, based on primary research by our in-country consultants.

  • Connected Health ecosystem
  • Government and hospital projects 
  • Regulations and reimbursement
  • Market size and future outlook
  • Sales opportunities

Clients may select any number of countries. We provide national level market data with breakdowns of regions within major markets.

  • Australia
  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Singapore
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • Other Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Vietnam)

The research and analysis is based on primary research by our in-country consultants, targeting vendors, solution providers, hospitals, payers and others, as well as exhaustive public domain research.

The service also includes optional monthly regional newsletters sent to any number of subscribers within your organisation for one year.

Activity in the APAC Connected Health space has been picking up over the past year. Some developments:


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