
Tunstall wraps update of Find-Me Watch in Australasia

 02-Dec-15, Pulse + IT

Tunstall Healthcare is set to release an update of its Find-Me Tunstall Watch – which combines the features of a personal response system, GPS tracker and fall detector all in one – to the Australian and New Zealand markets in time for Christmas.

Tunstall wraps update of Find Me Watch in Australasia (c) Pulse IT

Image: Pulse + IT

While the watch was designed to support people living with dementia, it is also suitable for those who want extra reassurance while at home, work or out in the community, as well as people living with a disability or a chronic disease.

It is also suitable for people who need to send a silent duress alert, who require immediate emergency assistance in a duress situation, and those who work alone or in potentially hazardous environments, such as community nurses.

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