
12 notable Medtech growth markets stories from 2015, month-by-month

18-Dec-15, Global Growth Markets

There's been a lot going on in emerging markets in 2015. Here's a look back at 12 notable Medtech growth markets stories you may have missed, month-by-month:

Indias medical electronics market to hit USD12 billion by 2017 (c) Business StandardJanuary India’s medical devices sector opens up - India’s cash-starved medical devices sector is opening up to 100% foreign direct investment as the government tries to reduce the import bill.


Telstras investment in e health tops AUD100 mn (c) B Busco Getty ImagesFebruary Telstra's investment in e-health tops AUD100 mn - Australian telco giant Telstra's healthcare investments have gone well beyond the AUD100 mn mark, including acquisitions and JVs in tech for telemedicine, aged care, hospital, radiology and pathology. 


Emerging market medical education goes digital (c) HAIVNMarch Emerging market medical education goes digital - Online medical education is an opportunity to address the shortage of skilled health workers in many emerging markets.  


New golden age expected as China finalises regulations for drugs sold online (c) Xinhua FinanceApril New 'golden age' expected as China finalises regulations for drugs sold online - China has completed the constitution of its much-anticipated new regulations for online drug retailing. 


APACMed logoMay Device companies launch Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association - Industry players are teaming up to create the first medical device industry association focused on Asia, including Abbott, Baxter, Becton Dickinson, GE, J&J, Medtronic, Philips, Stryker and Zimmer.


The doctor will not see you now   Singapore pioneering telemedicine plus A196 (c) CNNJune The doctor will not see you now - Singapore pioneering telemedicine - Stroke patients in Singapore are using iPads for remote rehabilitation in part of a trial - removing the need to visit a clinic - while motion sensors capture data about their progress.


Malaysia the ASEAN medical device manufacturing hub (c) Site SelectionJuly Malaysia, the ASEAN medical device manufacturing hub? - Malaysia is being positioned the ASEAN hub of medical device manufacturing. It hosts more than 190 medical device manufacturers with investments worth USD3.5 bn.


How Big Data can make people healthier in emerging markets (c) ShutterstockAugust How Big Data can make people healthier in emerging markets - In many emerging markets, data on healthcare is limited, but a growing number of entrepreneurs and public health activists are finding ways to fill the gaps.

Mhealth (c) Michael LwinSeptember How smartphones fill the healthcare gap in Myanmar - In a nation of 4 doctors per 10,000 citizens, mobile can overcome state capacity issues by providing healthcare information, advice and feedback in rural and urban areas.


GE to pump up to USD1 bn into Indonesia cropped (c) GE copyOctober GE to pump up to USD1 bn into Indonesia - GE will align with Indonesia's objective of providing universal healthcare by supporting the expansion of the country's primary healthcare ecosystem through technology and training innovations.


Brazil medical equipment consumption down 4pc (c) MD and M BrazilNovember Brazil medical equipment consumption down 4% - Medical equipment consumption in Brazil was down by 4.4% year on year in the first nine months of 2015. Imports decreased 9.2% as the USD exchange rate affected affordability.


GGM Digital Health China hospitals survey 1511December China’s private hospital sector believes in Digital Health - There is a very high level of support for digital health among China's hospitals, especially in the private sector, which believes Health IT, interoperability, EMR, Imaging and mHealth will benefit patients most.


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