

Internet privacy policy

The legal entity collecting the data described herein is GGM Pte. Ltd. (registered in Singapore, company no. 201326629Z). Personal data collected by GGM Pte. Ltd. may be transferred to its wholly-owned subsidiaries where it is necessary to meet the purpose for which the visitor has submitted the information. By submitting data on this site, the visitor is providing explicit consent to cross-border transmission of data for the fulfilment of their requests.

Data collection 

We collect only personally identifiable information that is specifically and voluntarily provided by visitors to this website. We receive limited identifiable information, such as name, title, company name, email address and telephone numbers, from website visitors. 

Typically, identifying information is collected to facilitate:

  • Joining our mailing list
  • Subscribing to our newsletter 
  • Registering for access to certain areas of the site
  • Requesting a service demonstration or further information
  • Distributing requested materials
  • Submitting a resumé

Demographic information is not actively sought, but may be submitted when a visitor responds to an online job application. It is our policy to limit the information requested to the minimum information required to complete a visitor's request. In any instance where non-mandatory information is sought, the website visitor will be notified of this at the point of collection.

Our policy is not to seek any sensitive information through our website unless legally required. Sensitive information includes data relating to race or ethnic origin, religious or other similar beliefs and sexual orientation. We request that you do not provide sensitive information of this nature.


In collecting, storing and using personally identifiable information, we comply with UK and EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) wherever relevant.

Use of data 

Information obtained by this site is used only for the intended purpose stated at the time that the information is collected. These data are not shared with any third party.

Except for the mailing list and newsletter purposes mentioned above, and where visitors have explicitly requested specific materials, we will not use personal data collected from the site for direct marketing activity.

Cookies and log files 

Cookies may be used on some pages of this site. Cookies are small text files placed on your hard drive that help to provide a more customised website experience. It is our policy to use cookies to make navigation of the site easier for visitors and to facilitate efficient registration procedures. Site statistics are compiled by third parties, and therefore your IP address may be passed to third parties for statistical reporting purposes.

In order to manage the site we may record information relating to visitors' locations, domains and browser types. These data are used to produce aggregated statistics and will not be used to identify any individual visitor.

Third parties 

Our policy is only to disclose information to third parties under the following circumstances:

  • As required by law
  • When explicitly requested by a visitor
  • When required to deliver information or materials requested by a visitor
  • When required to facilitate conferences or events hosted by a third party, upon a visitor’s request

The site does not collect or compile personally identifying information for dissemination or sale to third parties for sales, marketing or research purposes. Visitors who have requested to join our mailing list may receive offers from us for services provided by selected third parties such as our data partners, however personally identifying information will not be disseminated or sold to such third parties.

The site provides links to third party websites that do not operate under our privacy practices. When you follow such a link, our privacy practices no longer apply.

Data retention 

Visitors’ contact information provided voluntarily, for example in the contact form or contained in an email request, will be kept as long as the information is required to fulfill the visitor’s request(s), or until the visitor requests that we delete that information.


Visitors are not required to register to gain access to most areas of the site. Visitors who choose to register, and are subsequently approved by us as having a bona fide mutually beneficial interest in our restricted or proprietary content, will be given access to additional areas of the site containing such content.

Personally identifiable information provided through the site is provided voluntarily by visitors. Should visitors subsequently choose to unsubscribe from mailing lists or to de-register, we will provide instructions on the appropriate web page or in a separate communication. Alternatively a visitor may contact the us by email at info@ggmkts.com at any time.


Each visitor has the right of access to personal data they have submitted through the site. Updates of contact information should be provided by re-submitting the contact form, repeating the registration process or emailing info@ggmkts.com.

When personally identifiable information is retained, we assume responsibility for keeping an accurate record of the information that a visitor has submitted. We do not assume responsibility for verifying the ongoing accuracy of the information after submission.


We have implemented generally accepted standards of technology and operational security in order to protect personally identifiable information from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. All our employees follow a company data security policy. Only authorised personnel are given access to personally identifiable information and these employees have agreed to ensure the confidentiality of this information.


We reserve the right to modify or amend this Privacy Statement at any time. The effective date is displayed at the top of the page.

Further information:  info@ggmkts.com