
Turkey - top destination for hair transplantation

 19-Dec-16, Tourism-Review 

Medical tourism is becoming massively popular in many forms, and in many countries. Turkey is one of these countries. Besides its well-known, high quality eye treatment, it offers another service – hair transplantation.

Turkey   top destination for hair transplantation (c) Tourism Review

Image: Tourism Review

The numbers of hair transplants have undergone a massive rise in Turkey, despite the recent unrest in the country. In fact, Turkey was the leading country for hair transplantations in 2015. And the numbers of people arriving in the country to experience the treatment still appears to be growing.

According to the Turkish Healthcare Travel Council, 746,000 visitors arrived in Turkey for medical treatment in 2015. 100,000 of these were specifically seeking hair transplantation. The country earned UD5.8 bn from legal medical tourism in 2015, of which USD$1 bn was generated by hair transplant patients.

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