
Turkey's private hospital sector growing rapidly

03-Apr-15, eyeforpharma

The series of articles outlining the challenges and opportunities for pharma in the “MINT” countries, states that aggressive pricing controls and dominance of generic drugs, means that in the immediate future, the greatest opportunity for branded, innovative drugs lies in the private sector.

Turkeys private hospital sector growing rapidly (c) Eyeforpharma

Image: eyeforpharma

This sector is dominated by pro-innovative drug prescribing physicians as well as a patient population who is willing to pay for a higher “quality” healthcare. The private sector is the “low-hanging fruit” for the manufacturers of branded and innovative drugs.

Between the year 2002 and 2012, the number of private hospitals in Turkey grew at CAGR of 14.8%. In comparison, the Ministry of Health (public sector) hospitals expanded at a much smaller rate of a CAGR of only 1.5%.

There have been three core growth drivers behind the increase in Turkey’s private healthcare sector. The first being favorable government support. The second factor is the “internal demand”, from Turkey’s burgeoning middle class. And the third is “external demand”; the emergence of Turkey as a leading healthcare tourism destination.

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