23-Jul-19, Nikkei Asian Review

Malaysia's $200-billion pension fund Employees Provident Fund is investing $100 million Australian dollars ($70 million) in an Australian health care real estate fund managed by real estate developer Dexus.

Malaysias EPF invests USD70 mn in Australian health care real estate (c) Reuters Nikkei Asian Review

Image: Reuters / Nikkei Asian Review

EPF's investment in Healthcare Wholesale Property Fund will enable it to acquire North Shore Health Hub, Stage 1 of the development at St. Leonards, currently held in Dexus' trading portfolio. The health care facility is due for completion in late 2020.

The plan is to eventually expand the precinct to include a "medi-hotel," build-to-rent housing and other amenities that will increase its end value to AU$1 billion.

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 Healthcare insights