
Japan looking at ways to improve healthcare effectiveness

 17-Jun-15, Japan Today

Despite the fact that the Japanese live longer than nearly anyone else, the country’s healthcare system is ailing. Healthcare spending as a percentage of GDP has more than doubled since 1990, and is now greater than the OECD average. Experts say by the year 2030, costs could reach as high as 20% of GDP.

The country’s rapidly ageing population and a preference by patients for hospital treatment over home-based care add further pressures to an already overburdened system.

Japan looking at ways to improve healthcare effectiveness (c) InterNations

Image: InterNations

The government of Japan has been examining ways of making the system more cost-effective by studying programmes relating to wellness, disease prevention, treatment and early detection. In this regard, the European Business Council in Japan (EBC) and the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) have collaborated on the Health Policy White Paper 2015, containing a series of 41 topic areas and covering nearly 200 recommendations for improving the Japanese healthcare system.

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