
 29-May-19, SOA World

Hitachi announced that it will roll out a vehicle sharing service from June 2019 in Thailand. This service is able to efficiently dispatch vehicles upon receiving delivery orders from shippers, thereby contributing to reductions in cost and delivery time.

Hitachi rolls out vehicle sharing service to benefit Thailands logistic sector (c) Hitachi

Image: Hitachi

Hitachi Asia (Thailand) and Hitachi Transport System (Thailand) have tested and validated the results of this service, which has yielded an improved round use rate up from 15% to 30%.

For shipping and logistic companies, Hitachi Asia (Thailand) and Hitachi Transport System (Thailand) will start to provide this Service for container deliveries from June 2019 and expand its application to truck deliveries, with an aim to achieve service usage across 21,000 trucks by Fiscal Year 2023. The joint aim is to achieve annual sales of 8 billion yen, through service provision to manufacturing, distribution, logistic and shipping companies and shippers including Hitachi group companies.

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