
 03-Jun-19, cifnews

China's e-commerce market is the largest in the world and already represents more than 40% of the total global e-commerce spending. Even if today there are also some good local brands in China, Chinese people still have a kind of adoration for goods from abroad. Especially when it concerns healthcare, baby products, food supplements or skincare products, Chinese people prefer to turn towards foreign products. 

Chinese cross border e commerce Top 3 growing platforms (c) cifnews

Image: cifnews

Furthermore, Chinese consumers are becoming more aware of international brands, which is reflected in the increased demand for overseas products.

Local Chinese tech giants Alibaba, Tencent and JD dominate a rapidly growing e-commerce ecosystem, but aside from these famous players there are a lot of e-commerce platforms in China, covering every product category. Among them Kaola, Mia.com and Little Red Book are leading the sector.

  1. Kaola.com 考拉网: PRC largest cross-border import retail e-commerce platform
  2. Mia.com 蜜芽: China’s largest e-commerce platform for imported Maternity & Baby brands
  3. Little Red Book-小红书: How social commerce is the new trend in China

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