
Billions of investment dollars to flow into Turkey’s city hospitals

29-Apr-15, Invest In Turkey

Turkey’s public-private-partnership (PPP) model healthcare projects, dubbed the “city hospitals,” are to receive significant amounts of invesment in the coming years, according to Turkey’s Minister of Health, Mehmet Muezzinoglu. Speaking at the PPP Healthcare Summit held in Istanbul, Muezzinoglu said that 32 city hospital projects would be operational by 2018.

Billions of investment dollars to flow into Turkeys city hospitals (c) Invest In Turkey

Image: Invest In Turkey

“17 of the tendered city hospital projects will be built at a cost of USD 10 billion. The tender process is ongoing for projects in Urfa, Denizli, Kütahya, Denizli, Samsun, and Tekirdag. 10 more projects are awaiting approval,” the Minister of Health stated.

Turkey aims to increase the hospital bed capacity to 28 per 10,000 in population by 2018, and to 30 by 2023, and the goal of reaching 175,000 hospital beds is one of the country’s centenary targets.

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