
 18-Aug-17, intecheye 

A ceremony to mark the acquisition of the Clinica Baviera by China's Aier Eye Hospital group has been held in the Spanish capital city of Madrid.

The deal, which is thought to be worth around EUR152 mn (USD181 mn), opens the door for the Chinese healthcare provider, which is now the world's biggest eye care service group, into the European market, allowing them to cover a total population of over 2 billion.

Aier completes acquisition of Spanish Clinica Baviera (c) intecheye

Image: intecheye

It is the biggest merger ever in the international eye industry and a historic moment for the global ophthalmic industry. The agreement gives Aier an "absolute controlling stake in Baviera, with close to 87 percent" of its shares, although Baviera will retain its core management and medical team.

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