25-Mar-19 Online shopping platform Lazada and Mastercard announced a five-year partnership to develop Southeast Asia's e-commerce ecosystem. The duo will develop marketing and education campaigns to increase consumer confidence, as well as reward schemes to incentivise use of digital payments. [image: Mastercard Newsroom]
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14-Mar-19 Alipay and Barclaycard - which processes half the UK's card transactions - have collaborated to allow UK retailers to accept Alipay. 483,000 Chinese tourists will spend USD1.33 bn in 2019. The UK also has about 493,000 Chinese residents and students. [image: Alizila]
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12-Mar-19 Bangladesh's Prime Bank has launched the first JCB Platinum Credit Card in the country. Prime Bank and JCB have been developing a partnership since entering an acquiring license agreement in 2013. [image: ACN Newswire]
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12-Mar-19 Kenya’s Safaricom has secured a deal to use its M-Pesa mobile payment service for online shopping on Aliexpress, run by Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group. The agreement will allow Kenyan shoppers to buy goods on the site using M-Pesa. [image: Reuters / Noor Khamis]
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02-Mar-19 Chubb Insurance has received approval from the China Banking & Insurance Regulatory Commission to increase its ownership in Huatai Insurance Group, making Huatai the first Chinese financial services holding company to convert to a Sino-foreign equity joint-venture. [image: Body Shop Business]
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