
 22-Apr-19, Zawya 

Egypt will begin a rollout of its new comprehensive health insurance system in July this year, the country’s Minister of Finance has revealed.

Egypt to introduce new comprehensive health insurance (c) Reuters Mohamed Abd El Ghany

Image: Reuters / Mohamed Abd El Ghany

Finance minister Mohamed Maait said that the system would be rolled out gradually over a 15-year period in six phases, which will start in July this year in the governorate of Port Said. This area was chosen because of its sparse population, but also because it has the necessary infrastructure in place. "Around 80,000 citizens will benefit (from) the new system," he said.

A new health insurance law was launched in Egypt last year. Moreover, in June last year the World Bank pledged USD530 million to a five-year initiative aimed at improving healthcare standards in the country. Some USD35 million has been dedicated to a highly-lauded Hepatitis C programme, with the remainder supporting the proposed new universal healthcare system.

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