
Japan's retailers boosted by e-commerce and overseas expansion



13-Apr-18 Earnings growth in the Japanese retail sector is accelerating once again as companies expand and increase their presence abroad and in cyberspace. 14 of the 20 top publicly traded retailers foresee record net profits in fiscal 2018. [image: Nikkei Asian Review / Wataru Ito]

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42% of global e-commerce is happening in China



10-Apr-18 China’s digital economy has experienced massive growth in the last decade. In 2008, China accounted for <1% of e-commerce; today its share is 42%. In comparison, the United States’ share is down 10% since 2005, to 25%. [image: McKinsey Global Institute]

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eCommerce in Southeast Asia sees huge growth in 2017



09-Apr-18 2017 was a big year for e-commerce in Southeast Asia, with a stunning 41% CAGR. Amazon's market entrance, record-breaking sales by Lazada and the increasing capital deployed by Alibaba and Tencent were industry-shaping events in the year. [image: The Startup]

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