
China’s iPayLinks to expand Middle East fintech market



15-Aug-19 China-based cross-border payment services provider, iPayLinks, has announced its plans to enter Middle East fintech market. The firm is aiming to build up a one-stop payment solution for the Middle East cross-border business. [image: TahawalTech]

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Libra shows global remittance ripe for change



05-Jul-19 The global remittance market, a target for Facebook's new currency, Libra, is stuck in the last century, but can it really improve the lives of the global poor? For the Arab Gulf region, this is a key question. [image: Reuters]

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Alibaba invests USD100m in Russian e-commerce



09-Jun-19 China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba and Russia’s RDIF sovereign wealth fund will each invest USD100 million in a Russian joint venture, and Alibaba will contribute AliExpress Russia into the joint venture. This consists of Alibaba's Russia-based domestic and cross-border operations. [image: Retail News Asia]

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Chinese cross-border e-commerce: Top 3 growing platforms



03-Jun-19 Chinese cross-border e-commerce is growing and Chinese consumers are becoming more aware of international brands, especially for healthcare, baby products, food supplements and skincare. Kaola, Mia.com and Little Red Book are three top booming platforms. [image: cifnews]

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