
Yangon Declaration signed for ASEAN medical partnership

 15-Sep-15, Myanmar Business Today

Five ASEAN private hospital associations have endorsed the “Yangon Declaration” in a bid to enhance cooperation and jointly develop medical service standards in the region.

The associations from Thailand, Myanmar, the Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam reached an agreement to deepen cooperation during the Hospital Management Asia (HMA) 2015 held in Yangon.

Yangon Declaration signed for ASEAN medical partnership (c) Myanmar Business Times TPHA

Image: Myanmar Business Times / TPHA

Through the “Yangon Declaration” the associations made commitments to establish ASEAN Private Hospital Association, to create a collaborative network among the member hospitals.

Dr Pongpat Patanavanich, president of Private Hospital Association of Thailand, said the main objective of the deal is to promote communication and strengthen cooperation among the member hospitals.

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