
New Gleneagles hospital in Malaysia wooing back talent from abroad

16-Apr-15, Daily Express

The State's contribution to medical tourism will get a further boost with the soon-to-open eight-storey Gleneagles Kota Kinabalu Hospital, a stone's throw from the city centre.

New Gleneagles hospital in Malaysia wooing back talent from abroad (c) Gleneagles Kota Kinabalu

Image: Gleneagles Kota Kinabalu

It has 15 resident consultants and 10 sessional/visiting consultants. "We are still negotiating with doctors. Besides local talents, we are bringing back doctors from the UK, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur to serve here. And nurses are coming back from Saudi Arabia.

"We are also providing a lot of jobs for the local people by employing a majority of Sabahans to work in the hospital. We have more than 200 people here ready to serve but waiting for the licence to operate from the Health Ministry," said Chief Executive Officer, Jean Francois Naa.

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