
House overwhelmingly approves universal health care for all Filipinos

 07-Sep-17, Manila Bulletin 

The Universal Health Coverage Act will amend the Philippines National Health Insurance Act of 1995. 

Under the bill, in-patient health services will be made available at zero co-payment for the non contributory group and for those who opt for basic accomomdation, and at fixed co-insurance rates for all who opt for higher types of accommodation.

House overwhelmingly approves universal health care for all Filipinos (c) EPA Manila Bulletin

Image: EPA / Manila Bulletin

Within three years every Filipino shall have a guaranteed primary care provider. Within two years, the Philippine Health Security Corporation will implement a comprehensive outpatient benefit, including outpatient drug benefit.

"The program shall serve as a means for the healthy to help pay for the care of the sick and for those who can afford medical care to subsidize those who cannot," the bill provides.

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