
SingHealth and A*Star tie up to tackle diseases in Asia



08-Dec-17 Diabetes patients having their blood sugar levels checked at a clinic will be a thing of the past when they begin using the remote-technology being adopted at SingHealth's Diabetes & Metabolism Centre at Singapore General Hospital. [image: Timothy David / ST Photo]

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iFlytek boosts use of AI in healthcare in China



04-Dec-17 In Anhui Provincial Hospital of Central China, iFlytek's robot nurse pilot project is meant to see how a robot could help in real-life medical cases. So far, 'she' records patients' symptoms, reviews CT scans and makes an initial diagnosis. [image: Fan Jiashan / China Daily]

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UAE based Crescent Enterprises invests in medtech



27-Nov-17 UAE-based Crescent Enterprises has announced its investment in ColubrisMX and XCath, two next-generation micro-robotic medical device companies. Both companies design and develop next-generation robotic technologies that are expected to revolutionise their respective fields. [image: Arabian Gazette]

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