
Practo looking at Indonesian healthcare market

 03-Sep-15, YourStory 

In line with their expansion plans, Practo announced its entry into the Indonesian markets yesterday. Shashank ND, Co-founder and CEO of Practo, said that this is the first among a line of international expansions for this healthtech organisation. Practo, he says, aims to equip consumers in 10 countries with better healthcare choices by March 2016.

Practo looking at Indonesian healthcare market (c) YourStory

Image: YourStory

In Indonesia, Practo will be providing consumers the option of searching for doctors through a database of over 4,200 doctors, and will cover over 60 per cent of the clinics in Jakarta DKI. The fourth-most populous country in the world is today considered to be one of the largest markets for healthcare.

The team, Shashank adds, is on a mission to help people have healthier, longer lives and that is the reason they are in this market as well. Over the coming months, Practo will continue to expand its presence in the region, cover more cities, launch more of its products and expand into segments beyond doctors to cover wellness, fitness, curative, and others.

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