
 11-Mar-19, Arab Health

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to give the UAE economy a USD182 billion boost by 2035 with healthcare likely to see a gain of USD22 billion in its annual gross value during the same period.

Abu Dhabi boosts healthcare innovations (c) Arab Health

Image: Arab Health

The UAE’s firm belief in an AI-based economy became evident as early as 2017 when it announced the UAE Artificial Intelligence Strategy that aims to bring AI tools and technology to various sectors including healthcare. Apart from improving patient outcomes, the transformative power of AI in healthcare promises a life-changing impact in hospital care, drug development, improved accuracy in the early detection of diseases, and data analytics powered decisions, amongst others.

The Department of Health - Abu Dhabi (DoH), is the first entity in the region to develop and launch an artificial intelligence policy for the healthcare sector.

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