
How far can medical tourism in Asia expand? 

 25-Aug-17, Health Investor Asia

Medical Tourism has been a growing industry for the past decade or so, but in its earlier days, only the affluent or upper classes had the means the travel for their health or medical needs.

How far can medical tourism in Asia expand (c) Business In Asia

Image: Business In Asia

As healthcare infrastructure in some developing nations continues to improve, patients from more developed nations are increasingly looking to emerging economies for high-value prospects in healthcare. The southeast Asian region has performed particularly well in this regard, with Thailand stepping out as a medical tourism powerhouse. Singapore and Malaysia have also benefited from this trend. 

Paul McTaggart, CEO of Medical Departures, explains many of his clients prefer undergoing cosmetic surgery in Thailand or Bali rather than at home in Australia or New Zealand. "The level of care and attention they enjoy at our partner institutions is unlike anything they would receive at home.”

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