
 09-Jul-18, Bangkok Post 

The number of Chinese couples visiting Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries for fertility treatment has been rising since the Beijing government relaxed the country's one-child rule in 2016.

Chinese medical tourists flocking 2

Image: Bangkok Post

While Chinese couples can now have a second child, those who struggle to conceive still face problems. In-vitro fertilisation (IVF) remains highly restricted in their home country. Consequently, more Chinese couples are seeking treatment in Thailand and other countries, adding a new dimension to the already heated competition in the field of medical tourism.

The massive growth in overseas travel by Chinese - averaging 31% a year since 2012 - has also given a lift to the medical tourism business in Asia. An estimated 480,000 Chinese went abroad for medical purposes in 2015. Of the 8.7 million Chinese tourists visiting Thailand in 2016, about 27,000 came for medical purposes.

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