
Saudi Arabia liberalises healthcare sector investment rules


01-Dec-14 Saudi Arabia has introduced new rules that further liberalise the healthcare sector and open it up to investment. Foreigners will be permitted to run hospitals, and global healthcare companies will be able to invest in the country, which is expected to account for almost 60% of the GCC market by 2018. [image: Gulf Business]

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Now is the right time for healthcare technology in the Arabian Gulf


Nov-14 Health services in the Arabian Gulf region are at a crossroads. Despite heavy investment in new hospitals, the rise in non-communicable diseases cannot be halted unless there is a whole systems approach. The region will either follow a route of reactive medicine and spiralling costs, or a preventative one, adopting technology to change the way care is delivered in the community. [image: Arab Health Magazine]

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Turkey builds hospital mega-complex


07-Nov-14 Turkey’s population is already over 74 million and growing, meaning the need to upgrade build new healthcare facilities is very real. There are currently 36 facilities under development, with the giant Bilkent Healthcare Campus in Ankara earmarked as the flagship project. It will be one of the largest hospital complexes in the world, housing 1,300 doctors. [Image: CNN]

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Qatar awards USD300 mn healthcare projects


27-Oct-14 Qatar’s Public Works Authority has awarded USD300 mn of healthcare projects. The contracts include construction of a state-of-the-art Simulation Centre at Hamad Medical City to provide virtual surgical training to fresh medical graduates, expansion of Hamad General Hospital, four new health centres, and expansion of Al Khor Hospital with an additional 500 beds. [image: The Peninsula Qatar]

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Burden of health expenditure on citizens in Turkey grows


25-Oct-14 Turkish people’s healthcare spending rose 85% from 2009 to 2014, as a major shift in the burden of expenditure away from the state took place. Patients are charged up to ten different types of fees, such as examination payment and pillbox payment, when paying for treatment and medication. [image: Today's Zaman]

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