
 30-Mar-18, Business Standard

The Medical Technology Association of India (MTaI) has said broad-brush criteria for public procurement will cause proliferation of manufacturing of low quality products in India. The Department of Pharmaceuticals issued draft guidelines stating that implants, hospital equipment and medical devices should have a minimum local content ranging from 25-50 per cent.

Indias MTaI disappointed with draft norms for public procurement (c) ET Healthworld

Image: ET Healthworld

At present, India has adequate manufacturing capabilities for products like syringes, cannulae, dressings, hospital furniture, and suction machines, but lacks the ecosystem for devices like heart lung machines, pacemakers and complex catheters.

"A uniform 25-50 per cent local content ask, preceding any meaningful scaling up of the missing sophisticated component ecosystem will create a risk of 'garage manufacturing' with low cost low quality Chinese knocked-down kits based assembly," MTaI Director Probir Das said.

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